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News from ESPLAT


November 2023

The ESPLAT webinar series is starting on Monday, November 20th, 16.00 CET.
Prof. Dr. Douglas Bernstein will speak about:
Misconceptions about Psychology among Psychology Students in North America
Please register (for free) for this webinar in order to obtain the zoom link. For further information and the registration link please see the flyer.

October 2023

Save the date for ESPLAT 2025 conference in Münster: September 1 to 3, 2025

Conference host Prof. Dr. Stephan Dutke asks us to save the date for the 2025 ESPLAT conference in Münster, Germany. It will take place from September 1 to 3, 2025  (Monday to Wednesday) and is organized by Gesa Bintz, Ute Roeder, Demian Scherer, and Stephan Dutke.


September 2023

PLAT 22(3): Target article with Open Access for a limited amount of time
The upcoming issue of Psychology Learning and Teaching (PLAT) is dedicated to a topic that should be of broad interest within the field of psychology. In his target article, Jared Bartels poses the provocative theses that, first, psychological research in textbooks is often oversimplified to the point of misrepresentation and, second, that this is due to the widespread US liberal or left-leaning political attitude in the scientific community. Several international experts comment on these theses and present numerous alternative explanations for simplified, sometimes inaccurate and biased representations in textbooks.
These and other responses to the target article are now available online first. The target article is available as an open access document for the next three months (
PLAT is an international peer-reviewed journal (impact factor 2.2) dedicated to the teaching and learning of psychology. Submissions of research articles, reports, reviews, and target articles are highly welcome! If you want to stay up to date on our work and the latest publications, visit the PLAT website for more information:




​​July 2023

We invite presenters of the ESPLAT Conference 2023 to submit their papers and posters as contributions to a Special Issue in PLAT:

Special Issue ESPLAT Conference 2023 - Learning and Teaching Psychology in a Changing World

​Guest editors: Madeleine Pownall (University of Leeds), Iva Stuchlíková (University of South Bohemia), & Robert Gaschler (German Distance Teaching University)

Submission of abstracts and extended summary is possible until August, 20th (see here for further information).




June 2023

Madeleine Pownall (University of Leeds) reports from the ESPLAT conference in Umeå. We thank Michael Gruber and the Umeå team as well as all the participants for a very inspiring conference at a wonderful confernce site.




June 2023

The Executive Committee Members 2022-2025 has been elected. We thank Past President Susanne Narciss, former Treasurer Paul Wilson and former Student Representative Abigail Jones for their dedicated work in the Executive Committee!



​February 2023

International Council of Psychology Educators Incorporated
Tuning Psychology Education to Serve Humanity and Habitat

Mexicali, Mexico, October 27 and 28, 2023 at Universidad Autónoma de Baja California (UABC)
Deadline for abstracts: 30 April, 2023.

PDF with further information


February 2023

Special Issue in Psychology Learning and Teaching (PLAT):

Centering Psychological Literacy in Undergraduate Psychology Education Internationally


Guest editors: Susan A. Nolan (Seton Hall University, USA), Jacqulyn Cranney (University of New South Wales, Australia), Luciana de Souza (Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil), and Julie Hulme (Nottingham Trent University, UK)


As a first step, we invite one-to-two-page proposals with an outline of what you would like to contribute. Proposals should be submitted via e-mail to, and are due by February 28. Authors of the selected proposals will be notified by March 15. Final papers will be due by June 15.

See PDF for further information.




January 2023

ESPLAT Conference: Learning and Teaching Psychology in a Changing World

14th – 16th of June 2023, Umeå, Sweden
Deadline for submitting abstracts: January 20th, 2023

Further information


December 2022

Psychology Learning and Teaching within Teacher Education:  International Perspectives

APA DIVISION 52 WEBINAR has taken place in November. The recording can be accessed online.

Speaker: Prof. Dr. Susanne Narciss,   Host: Prof. Dr. Pina Marsico

The video of this webinar is accessible.

Learning Objectives:

  • To identify commonalities and differences in frameworks for teacher competencies and standards from various continents

  • To provide examples how to apply these examples to psychology learning and teaching for teacher students.

  • To discuss implications derived from this global perspective for psychology learning and teaching in teacher education.


Flyer for further information



October 2022

Call for papers: Equity, diversity, and inclusion in the teaching of psychology
Scholarship of Teaching and Learning, a journal committed to teaching and learning outcomes in psychology, seeks submissions related to promoting equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in the teaching of psychology and fostering thriving in all students.

  • 500-word letter of intent due: November 1, 2022

  • Acceptances to submit a full-length article sent: November 15, 2022

  • Deadline for manuscript submissions: January 22, 2023


September 2022

Special Issue of PLAT with papers from the ESPLAT 2021 conference is now published online
Over one year ago, ESPLAT 2021 conference was organized by Birgit Spinath and her team from Heidelberg University. Due to the pandemic circumstances, the conference was held fully online.
Thematically, the conference was about the very current issue of "Teaching and Learning Psychology in Times of COVID and Beyond". Following ESPLAT 2021, a special issue of the official journal of ESPLAT, Psychology Learning and Teaching [PLAT], was guest edited by Veit Kubik, Camilla Hakelind and Richard Harris.
We received many valuable contributions for this issue and now, after several months of work, we are happy to announce that the ESPLAT 2021 special issue is now published and available online:
Remember that PLAT is open to your submissions on the teaching and learning of psychology at any time. We look forward to receiving your latest work!
Our PLAT team hopes you enjoy reading this special issue of PLAT!


December 2021

​The new EC-members are very excited to share with you that ESPLAT has been just approved as an Associate Member of the European Federation of Psychology Associations (EFPA - We are now looking forward to the exchange and the collaborations with the EFPA – Board of Educational Affairs ( Note that the European Conference of Psychology organized bi-annually by EFPA will take place in July 2022 in Ljubljana (Deadline for submissions is December, 20th, 2021 -


September 2021

We kick-start this month with an exciting two days of presentations and discussions at our biennial conference. This month also sees some changes for ESPLAT as a few of our committee members step down from their posts to allow for new members to step in and drive the Society forward in many exciting directions. Just like the new academic year, new resources can make all the difference! We hope that you enjoyed the conference and that you leave feeling inspired and ready to help influence the next generation of psychology students. A conference report has been published in the Psychologist magazine: the future of psychology pedagogy! Presentation slides from EFPSA and the General Assembly (include SAGE publications) can be found on the Conf 2021 page in the members' area. 


Special Issue in Plat with papers from the ESPLAT 2021 conference:

Guest Editors Veit Kubik, Camilla Hakelind, & Richard Harris invite all attendees of the ESPLAT Conference 2021 to submit their papers and posters as contributions to a Special Issue in PLAT (

All submissions will undergo the usual peer-review process. PLAT publishes research articles, reviews, reports, and target articles (please consult the PLAT website for detailed information,


The timeline for the ESPLAT 2021 Special Issue is as follows:

  • Submission of papers until November 15th, 2021.

  • In a first round of reviews, authors will receive feedback from two peer-reviewers and the editors until January 15th, 2022.

  • A second round of reviews, if necessary, will be concluded and the final editorial decisions will be made until May 15th, 2022.

  • The Special Issue is planned to be published in the November Issue of PLAT 2022.


Please contact the Guest Editors (, if you have any questions. We are looking forward to your contributions.


August 2021

Preparations are gearing up for the conference in early September and we are looking forward to welcoming you all, albeit online rather than the rather wonderful Heidelberg. We will also be holding our General Assembly meeting on Thursday 2nd September (17:00-17:50 CEST, via Zoom) and the agenda and zoom link for this meeting can be found in the member's area. The conference programme (with Zoom links) will also be uploaded on the members' pages before the conference. At that meeting we will report back on the past two years behind-the-scenes of ESPLAT and celebrate both past achievements and future opportunities. Meanwhile, if you have any new teaching ideas or developments you'd like to share, why not discuss with other members on our discussion boards, or write a blog to share these ideas more widely? We look forward to hearing from you.


July 2021

We are now very pleased to announce that applications are in for the upcoming vacancies on the ESPLAT committee, for the posts of President-Elect and Secretary General. All Regular and Student members are entitled to vote, so please visit the elections page in the Members' Area now and register your vote! More information about the Student representative and Conference organiser will be added in the coming months. 

**The conference program can also be downloaded from here**


June 2021

A warm welcome to our new members who have joined us in preparation for our conference in early September. As many of us turn our thoughts toward summer, there is still much activity and work to be finished yet. Best of luck to all those either sitting exams or grading them: we all need some extra energy to keep us going and I hope that you can find some time to recharge through other activities and interests (as well as, of course, plenty of sleep and good food). There is still time to apply for one of the vacancies on the executive committee so do send in your application before the 18th June! There are exciting things ahead for ESPLAT and this is your chance to be part of it and to help shape the future. We also have a new blog post written by the incoming president of the STP, on the possibilities of internationalisation and crossing boundaries. Lots there to explore with resources and ideas for teaching and learning online. 


May 2021

As teaching winds down for some of us, time to start reflecting on the past academic year and how much we've achieved. Our membership is growing, and we're adding more discussion spaces to our member's pages. Are you a school teacher who wants to find collaborators at university for research support? Or perhaps you are a university research who wants to find participants in schools? There is now a dedicated space to connect members interested in that area. Meanwhile, preparations are developing for our conference in September and the conference team will announce the programme as soon as that is available. Information for presenters is now also available here and on the conference page.


April 2021

An exciting month for ESPLAT! The deadline for abstracts for the conference is 16th April so send your applications into the conference team soon. In advance of our General Assembly in September, we can also announce that we will have 4 vacancies on the executive committee: President-Elect, Secretary General, Student Representative, and Conference Organiser. ESPLAT needs you! We're also starting to search for the organiser for the ESPLAT2023 conference so send in your applications on this proposal form. We could be bringing the next conference to you! 


March 2021

New for this month is a space of members to distribute news of new pedagogical research that they have conducted (see the discussion board), and a newsletter will be on its way shortly. Meanwhile, keep busy writing abstracts for the conference and watch out for announcements about being on the ESPLAT committee from 2021-2023: this could be your time to help drive forward teaching and learning across Europe!


February 2021

This month sees the release of the ESPLAT2021 call for papers submissions open from 1st March to 16th April. The conference committee looks forward to receiving submissions for individual presentations, posters, symposia, and discussions. Time to discuss research on teaching and learning practices during the pandemic and beyond! On a similar theme, this month's blog post is all about silence and what happens in the spaces between us when we teach online. 


January 2021

We're starting to gear up for a fresh new year and in particular plans for the ESPLAT2021 conference are shaping up. We'll add information about this on our conference page as soon as they are available. Otherwise, it will be a year of change for the committee as some of us will step down from our posts and make way for new members to take ESPLAT forward. Information about applying for committee positions will be circulated as soon as it is available. #watch this space


December 2020

After what has been a tough term for all of us - students and tutors alike - it will shortly be the winter break and time to rest and recuperate. Wishing you all a healthy, safe, and restful break. We are looking forward to winding down for a while, before we start planning in January for new adventures for ESPLAT. See you on the other side of hibernation...


November 2020

We have two more blogs for you so far this term: one covering some thoughts from student perspectives on online teaching, and one offering a personal reflection on the journey to being an excellent teacher. In the midst of a busy term it can be refreshing to hear positive stories of achievement through sometimes difficult periods. The next newsletter is now published and meanwhile we hope that your endeavours in teaching, learning, and research succeed even if only in small moments of satisfaction and accomplishment. 


September 2020

Now that a new teaching term has started - or is about to start - many of us are busy with our daily tasks of teaching, research, and administration. The online format is perhaps a little more familiar, though still raises challenges and questions around what it means to learn, and what is our role as tutors? We encourage you to be part of discussions about teaching and pedagogical research in our members area. In our blog this month, we raise the issue of how we can tackle systemic racism that is inherent in many of our societies and throughout academia. We need to make changes, so what should these changes be? Be part of the discussion, be part of the change!


June 2020

Welcome to the new ESPLAT website! Thank you for your patience as we worked on this behind-the-scenes. There will of course be things we'll need to tweak and adjust as the website settles in, and we hope that it will grow and develop as we expand teaching and learning in psychology across Europe and beyond. For existing members, please note that you will need to create a new log-in for this site and add your payment details according to your membership level. For new members, please do the same. Do get in touch with us if you have any problems logging in or getting access to pages. 


A couple of new things for the new website: (1) the ESPLAT blog, in which we will invite members and guest-bloggers to contribute something on a particular topic related to teaching and learning in psychology. (2) A discussion forum - in our members area - to make it easier for us to discuss, collaborate, and support each other in various teaching, learning, and research endeavours. 


Our colleagues in Australia (AusPLAT) have also written a blog on 

enhancing wellbeing for academics: just what we need right now.


Happy reading and enjoy a break when you can!



March 2020 news:
During a time when many countries are affected by the COVID-19 virus, the impact on teaching and learning is no doubt being felt across the world. Discussions about moving teaching online, for instance, have sparked up a series of discussions about how feasible this is, with short notice and no training or resources. There is concern for both students and academic staff, since in some countries universities are closed for a period, and in others there is a dramatic restriction in access to teaching and examination sessions. It is a challenging time for all of us, but there is solidarity and support with our colleagues across the world, and we will get through this. 

Meanwhile, we are pleased to announce our very first ESPLAT newsletter. We are hoping that we can produce these fairly regularly, as a way to keep members updated with news and developments, in addition to the website, Twitter, and Instagram accounts. Do let us know what you think: email Gillian ( or Sally (

Please note that since the content for the newsletter was written, many of the upcoming events - including the EFPTA conference - have been cancelled due to the restrictions on travel and public gatherings because of the spread of the corona virus. It is very disappointing, of course, but now more than ever we can support each other online and through digital communication. Even phoning one another! These are tough days but we (both teachers and students) will get through this. If you can share digital resources or expertise/advice on teaching online, please get in touch (with Sally - email above) and we can collate resources and add these to the website for everyone to use. Most importantly, take care of yourselves. We need you all safe and well. 


February 2020 news:
We're busy working on some things at the moment, including preparing for conference presentations later in the Spring (such as the EFPTA conference in Bratislava), and we'll update the website as soon as possible. 

Meanwhile, if you'd like to share some news with members, please let us know - we can create space on our website for information about what is happening in your teaching adventures and research developments.  Have you been to any conferences recently or tried out a new teaching idea? Let us know if you'd be interested in writing a short blog about this for ESPLAT.

January 2020 news:
We're now at over 100 members! A very warm welcome to you all - and to those who have been with us from the start. There is a new 'members map' where you can add a pin and a short description of yourself (plus a photo, if you'd like to) so that we can connect with each other a little more and find out where we are, and what interests we have. Add your pin!

December 2019 news:
We've been busy discussing and trying out different resources to share with you all in 2020. If you have any ideas of things that you would like to see on the website or else provided for members through some other media, do get in touch! We'd very much like members to be involved in ESPLAT as it grows and develops, so you are always welcome to drop us an email. Please note that we don't always see messages sent through our website (we'll look into this...) so just email Sally at if you want to get in touch. Or send us a direct message (DM) through our Twitter account.

November 2019 news:
We've uploaded 10 presentations - so kindly shared - from our September conference in Utrecht. Click here to access the page and the presentations.  A huge thank you to the authors for sharing!

October 2019 news:
A warm welcome to our new and existing members, and a huge thank you for all your energy, inspiration, and intellectual discussion during ESPLAT2019 in Utrecht. It was a joy to meet you all and to share ideas about teaching and learning in Psychology. In the coming months, the new committee will be working hard to following up some of the ideas we shared and we are always interested in contributions from our members. So do get in touch, either through the website, or directly to Sally via Meanwhile, you can read the full Biennial Report below to catch up on the first two years of the Society. 

August 2019 news:
The Agenda for the General Assembly is now finalised and will consist of the following items: 

  1. Welcome from the President

  2. Executive Committee Biennial report

  3. Election of new EC members

  4. Open discussion on future directions of ESPLAT

  5. Official close of the meeting​

A copy of the agenda will be emailed to all members. Don't worry, the meeting won't be one of those where you daren't speak out for fear of being volunteered for something! The main aim is to give a short report about what has happened in the first two years of setting up the Society, the announcement of the new EC members, and time to hear from you all about your ideas and hopes for the Society. The name 'General Assembly' sounds incredibly dull but we assure you that we'll do our best to make it otherwise!

July 2019 news:
Applications have been received for vacancies on the Executive Committee, with two candidates applying for the Secretary General role. In this case, we need to vote! The applications of the two candidates are provided below. Please use the online survey at the bottom of this page to register your vote. Only one vote per member. Voting closes 31st August 2019 (midnight, CEST), so all votes must be in before this time to be an eligible vote. The winning candidate will be announced at the General Assembly on 26th September 2019. 

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